Dylan in the hospital

Last month was quite the month. We all took our turns having the stomach flu and were housebound for like 2 weeks. Poor little Dylan though couldn't fight it off so on day 7 of not keeping anything down, he had to go to the hospital to get hooked up to an IV for what we thought was a few hours- maybe overnight. It was so sad to see my baby hooked up to an IV and being treated like a pin cushion. He was such a trooper though. I was anticipating him being strapped down to a bed or something so an IV could stay in him. Instead it looked like a little cast 'cause they had to wrap it so much so he wouldn't play with it. Well, 2 nights later, he was finally able to go home. Now I am happy to report that even though he got down to 16.4 pounds, at his checkup yesterday he was 18.4! He eats so much food now- probably as much as Jaxon. Except for the whole not sleeping through the night still, we are doing well!

Dyan threw up on my clothes that I wore there. And since we were told to go straight from the doctors office to the hospital, I didn't have a chance to pack some, so they had to bring me some scrubs. Everyone would pause when they came in and were like, "Do you work here?" They were pretty comfy though until Mark could bring me my own clothes.


Shawn and Steph said…
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Shawn and Steph said…
Yea! I'm so glad that you guys have joined the blogging world. I love the picture you have in your header. I'm glad Dylan is feeling better...he looks so happy in the pictures, what a trooper!
Shelly said…
I'm glad you started a blog! I'm so glad Dylan is doing better. Your boys are SO cute. I can't believe how much Dylan has grown. We miss you guys & the ward like crazy. We should get together for playgroups again.
Anonymous said…
Oh, the memories. It helps to have pictures on this site. Except the snake one....I just got the shivers again. I need a little hands on assistance to get the picture thing down on my blog....I hate that word by the way. Let's call it a "hinge". It keeps us connected but going our separate ways. I love my little guys Jaxon and Dylan. They have some awesome parents that are doing a great job giving them life experience, learning, growing and making us laugh. Sure love you guys.

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