We had a great halloween. We did some trick or treating at the mall, watched a cool reptile show and played with some friends. Here are our favorite pics from the week.
This snake was huge! Jaxon wanted no part in it, but Dylan sure wanted to play!
Applesauce is so easy. I'll have my mother-in-laws food mill for the next couple of days so if you wanted me to show you we could...call if you want to.
Happy Birthday Jaxon! I can't believe he's 4 years old already. Man how time flies and yet, it's hard to imagine our lives without him. He's getting so big! We are so proud of the little man he's becoming. Lucky boy got to have 4 birthday celebrations: a transformers combined birthday with Bobbi in Star Valley, a pirate birthday party with the Hirschi bunch, Arctic Circle playland with his friends today, and of course birthday morning with his, mom, dad, and Dylan. Tanner getting ready to battle Optimus Prime Jaxon's pinata candy (after round 1 of the leg getting knocked off) Bobbi whose birthday was celebrated as well loving the candy necklaces we added to her gift! She gives the best reactions! Jaxon carefully, slowly opening his gifts. He gave absolutely everyone there a hug as a thanks for the gifts. What a sweetie. Next birthday: my pirate ship cake I'm so proud of. Jax playing pirate games on the computer while waiting for the guests. Dylan our...
Last month was quite the month. We all took our turns having the stomach flu and were housebound for like 2 weeks. Poor little Dylan though couldn't fight it off so on day 7 of not keeping anything down, he had to go to the hospital to get hooked up to an IV for what we thought was a few hours- maybe overnight. It was so sad to see my baby hooked up to an IV and being treated like a pin cushion. He was such a trooper though. I was anticipating him being strapped down to a bed or something so an IV could stay in him. Instead it looked like a little cast 'cause they had to wrap it so much so he wouldn't play with it. Well, 2 nights later, he was finally able to go home. Now I am happy to report that even though he got down to 16.4 pounds, at his checkup yesterday he was 18.4! He eats so much food now- probably as much as Jaxon. Except for the whole not sleeping through the night still, we are doing well! Dyan threw up on my clothes that I wore there. And since we were told...