
We spent the last week of June in Yellowstone camping with almost all of Mark's family. (We sure missed Paul, Caitlin, and Alyssa). We had a great time! We had 5 campsites in a row where the kids could have free reign and play with their cousins. Each day after breakfast, we would pack a lunch, load up whatever handful of kids wanted to ride with us that day, and go exploring. Here are some of our favorite pics.

Grizzly sow and 2 cubs
our surprise visitor who wanted to camp on the trailer with us

haha- one of our favorite accident pics

the highlight of our trip: watching a pack of wolves move across the valley and chase down some elk
Here's after the chase when the wolves have the elk in view

Haha- sweet Bradyn :)
A cinnamon black bear- check out that scary face!
Old Faithful
Grandma and Grandpa Hirschi with most of their grandkids
Tower Falls
Pure Dylan ;)
Jaxon loved hanging out with the cousins!
Mark and Kristin's rock throwing celebration
Our family at Artist Point- probably my favorite place in yellowstone as long as I don't look over the edge straight down!
Jaxon and Jacob doing what boys do on the hammock
At Old Faithful, Dylan and I stopped to to take a picture with the buffalo (no way was he turning to smile while that was in the background!). Stopping proved to be a bad choice because it started walking faster towards us...... and we had to abandon stroller and jet out of there! Here's the buffalo with our abandoned stroller. Boy was Jaxon freaking out watching it. He thought we were going to die and he gave me the 20 minute lecture after about when I could stop around buffalos and when I couldn'- mostly never. "Never ever stop, Mom! The buffalo will kill you!..." So I guess I had my brush with death. Although 2 girls on a bench nearby didn't move and by the time they realized the buffalo was walking by, it was too late to move so just stayed there and could almost have reached out to touch it!
Mark and Bradyn with grizzly behind them. We happened upon this only a mile or so from camp before the rangers showed up so we were able to get quite close (us not as much as some other idiots!) before the rangers cleared people out. Was kind of nerve-racking having that beast so near camp!
Here's the closer up of the bear and one of such idiots.
The beautiful tetons gave us a beautiful drive on the way out.

Then, we had a fabulous time in Star Valley over the 4th before heading back. Here's Dad taking the kiddos for a ride.


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