International Day

This last week at school, the kid's school celebrated their diversity and mother languages by having performances and activities in other languages and cultures.  It culminated with a big international day carnival on campus.  Some of our highlights:

Bradyn's African Drumming club performance 

Lucy's Kindergarten assembly song in Swahili

International Day parade.  USA was one of 64 nations that have students represented at Lincoln.  Each country had a booth of foods to try.  Jaxon and I loved some food from India and Korea best.  Lucy and Dylan were excited for and loved the pigs in a blanket, rice krispy treats, and snowcone from USA haha

Ghanaian Parade leaders

Amazing performances from many countries all day.  Here's from a Traditional African Dance

Mark was off on assignment in Ivory Coast but has enjoyed getting out and seeing more of the area. 

I get out and enjoy activities with friends.  Here are a few pictures from our batik fabric making experience.


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