Obstacle Course

Life is a big obstacle course.  Sometimes you're giggling while sliding down the slide and sometimes you've run into obstacles that knock you down.  All in all we learned from general conference that as long as you're still trying you're doing well.  Keep progressing in the obstacle course of life and have fun with it!
Lucy with her friend Maleah at an Easter Carnival (glad we didn't stay for the egg hunt- the plastic eggs weren't stuffed!  Her friend doesn't like the Easter Bunny here haha)

Dylan having fun racing through the challenges.

Dylan, Jaxon, and May at the finish line of the course

Dylan the morning after a cooking injury.  Darn hot sugar splash.

But here's Dylan in his element with one of the children who just adores him!

This is a pic of a couple weeks ago when Bradyn clashed with his bedpost and got stitches here in a Ghanaian ER room

But here's his prize moment showing off his group project of a homemade candy dispenser with some of his friends.

 For the past two months, Lucy has been on the search for cotton candy.  We found it!  Although now I know why it's not plentiful here because if you didn't eat it quickly, it starts melting purple drips all over your arm

 Mark and I have started teaching a young single adult outreach class each Friday night with another fun expat couple who just arrived.  Here's Mark trying to protect his keys while others dive to grab them.  We love working with this age group and have met so many wonderful friends already here.  I hope we can be the people these guys are needing to help lead and guide them through these pivotal years.   

A high point in our time here was my opportunity to sing with the wonderful, joyous, full of energy stake choir.  Here's me with a few of them after the event.  


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