7 weeks into school

Here's the kiddos off to the start of their new school year.  Middle School for Jaxon in 8th and Dylan in 6th.  Elementary school for Bradyn in 4th and Lucy in 1st.  I love that Lincoln Academy has them all together!

A little peek into the sing along morning meeting.   Lucy's the blondie in the middle.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Lucy with her buddies Sara, Maleah and Tyler

This is the only picture I got of our latest beach trip but it was so sweet to see our friend Grace (who couldn't get her wrist wet and surf as she would have liked) instead go and jump the waves with Lucy.  Friendship has no age limits.

Mark includes Jaxon and Dylan in his morning workout routines.  They prepared well for the run for a cure 5K. 

Sweet they did too because they ran the whole thing and both Jaxon and Dylan completed it in less than 25 minutes.  Way to go boys!  Dylan got 2nd for his age group.

Bradyn, Lucy and I went that day just to support and take pictures.  When Lucy saw a few friends, she insisted that she could run a 5K as well so we all signed up and ran.  It was a two lap race that had the option to bow out halfway but they didn't!  Everyone finished the race and it was due to friends who helped encourage and push each other.  In life it doesn't matter how fast you finish but that you do.  Surround yourself with people who will help you achieve all your goals.

 Jaxon turned 14!  Here he is with his sought after chinese food at Lord of the Wings.  I am pretty sure food is his love language.

And here's from the day we got to celebrate him with a few of his friends doing what these boys do together - sports, food, games, and a movie.


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