Simple Joys of Gospel Living

"Consider on the Blessed and Happy state of those that keep the commandments of God." Mosiah 2:41 We have seen that happy state in many of our friends here.

We had another Stake Conference and I was privileged to join in the majestic choir led again by Brother Ato Brown where everyone gave their whole heart and soul to the sound.  There were wonderful men in the choir as well but they weren't in bright pink dresses so they missed out on this picture.

We love all our young single adult friends here who we do our YSA outreach class with every Friday.  To kick off another school year we had a poolside party.  We had a field of dreams type experience when at starting time nobody was there.  "If you build it they will come..." We were so happy when they started arriving and by party's end we had (including ours and the Lukes children) 55 people in attendance!  Love them!

 We love spending time with the missionaries both old and young.  The sacrifices they make and the service they render is priceless!  These two have helped my sunday school class alone grow by 5 since we've been here!  The work is on fire!

Here's a little friendy FIFA 19 tournament competition at a Young Mens Activity

Here's a picture we snagged at All Africa Service day where all church members in Africa were encouraged to give service.  I didn't get pictures of these kids loading trash from the New Horizons school for children with disabilities or weeding and cleaning up the playground but they did save some smiles for me when they finished.

I know God loves all his Children!


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